Mother’s Day 2023
Let’s celebrate all the amazing mums out there together this May 14th! Mother’s Day is right around the corner so make sure you’re securing your table NOW.
This Mother’s Day we thought we’d do something a little different compared to the recent years.. check it out !
T R A D I N G H O U R S :
K I T C H E N H O U R S :
Brunch 10am-2:30pm
Dinner 5pm-8:30pm
Complimentary glass of champagne on arrival for all mums.
W H A T ‘S O N ?
Live music AKA Matty Orchard from 1:30-4pm in our popular undercover, heated beer garden !
Mother’s Day raffle drawing at 2pm & 7:30pm with all funds donated towards Geelong mums fundraiser.
($2 a ticket, 3 for $5, 8 for $10 or 16 for $20)
Must be present for the raffle to win ! Prize images is accessible on our Facebook & Instagram page.
Reservations NOW OPEN and ESSENTIAL, please call 52661372 or Book Online
Please note :
• Brunch menu will be available to view on our website Tuesday 25th April